In ten months of the year, 667 times of license-granted projects from the previous years registered to raise the capital with additional capital of US$ 6,866.5 million. Thus, the total registered capital of both newly and additionally financed projects reached US$19292.4 million, grew by 40.8% against the last year’s same period. Realized FDI capital in ten months of this year was estimated to gain US$11.8 billion, rose 16.3% from 2014’s similar period.
In ten months, the manufacturing industry attracted the largest number of FDI projects with the registered capital of US$12,484.1 million, accounting for 64.7% of the total registered capital; the electricity, gas, warm water, steam and air conditioning generation and supply reached US$2,619.9 million, accounting for 13.6%; the real estate business attracted US$2136.7 million, accounting for 11.1%; other industries received US$2,051.7 million, representing 10.6%.
Source: Vietnam GSOGood growth of FDI has accompanied with recovery of industrial production?
In ten months, Industrial Production Index (IPI) rose 9.7% from the same period last year (it grew by 6.9% in 2014’s similar period). Of industries, the mining and quarrying increased by 8.4%, contributed 2.1 percentage points to the general growth; the manufacturing went up by 10%, contributed 6.8 percentage points; the power generation and supply raised by 11.5%, contributed 0.7 percentage point; the water supply and sewage treatment rose 7.4%, contributed 0.1 percentage points.
Source: Vietnam GSOGenerally, in nine months, consumption index for the whole industry grew by 13.1% over the same period in 2014. Stock rate for the entire manufacturing on average in nine months of 2015 was 73.6%.
The number of laborers working in industrial enterprises as of 1st October, 2015 rose 6.9% over the identical period last year, of which the State sector decreased by 1.9%; the non-State sector increased by 5.2%, and the FDI sector went up by 9.7%. As of above time, the number of laborers working in the mining and quarrying put up by 0.3% from the previous year’s similar period; the manufacturing by 7.6%; the power generation and supply by 0.6%; the water supply and sewage treatment by 4.3%.
Industrial production is expected to see good development with the investment on the auxiliary industries in Vietnam. The government has recently issued Decree No. 111/2015/ND-CP on the development of auxiliary industries in the country. The Decree takes effect from 1st January , 2016.
Under this Decree, organizations and individuals researching and developing support industry products on the List of support industries prioritized to develop will get funds from the support industry development program and other expenditures. Projects producing industrial products on the list of products for support industry development will be funded from industrial development programs to assist in the training of human resources.