Kien Giang province set 1 billion USD export turnover goal

According to the provincial Department of Industry and Trade of Kien Giang province, Kien Giang province is striving to earn at least 1 billion USD from exports by 2020.

Kien Giang province’s goods have been exported to 43 countries and territories. This Mekong Delta province will branch out frozen shrimp, frozen squid and rice to markets with strong purchasing power while enhancing the competitiveness and integration capacity of businesses. Kien Giang province will continue to maintain and enlarge the distribution network as well as stabilize traditional markets and expand potential markets.

Kien Giang province focuses on creating favourable conditions for local enterprises to upgrade their production as well as encouraging local farms to apply advanced technology in order to improve their production as well as products’ value. The province wants to export high value-added agricultural products and develop competitive commodities to gain a foothold in foreign markets. In addition to enhancing trade promotion, the province will use market surveys and international and domestic trade fairs and exhibitions to popularise local products.

Farm produce is expected to bring Kien Giang province 495 million USD; aquaculture, 230 million USD; other commodities, 44 million USD and products from state-owned enterprises, 250 million USD.