“The world will continue to warm at 3.2°C by 2100 if measures are not taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. From now to 2030, annual investment for mitigation needs to be 3-6 times larger than current levels across all sectors to limit warming to 1.5°C” - that is the emphasis highlighted in the Summary of the Climate Change Mitigation Report recently adopted by the 56th Meeting of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Global surface temperatures since 1970 have risen faster than any other 50-year period in at least the last 2,000 years. For example, temperatures in the most recent decade (2011-2020) exceeded those of the warmest period of the most recent centuries, about 6,500 years ago. Meanwhile, the global average sea level since 1900 has risen faster than any previous century in at least the past 3,000 years.

Global warming means a direct impact on the demand for energy consumption and electricity consumption for cooling and air conditioning systems, equipment, and devices. In other words, electricity and energy consumption for cooling and air-conditioning systems are also major contributors to global climate change. Along with socio-economic development and rapid urbanization, electricity consumption for cooling and air-conditioning systems in households is increasing rapidly in many countries around the world including Vietnam, especially in the hot summer, electricity consumption for air-conditioning system in Vietnam can account for 60% of total monthly electricity consumption of a household.
In recent years, Vietnam Government has approved a series of important documents to implement missions and solutions with the aims of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to climate change associated with ensuring energy security. Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has issued the Action Plan to respond to climate change and green growth of the industry and trade sector for the period to 2030, with a vision to 2050. Accordingly, responding to climate change is a significant mission of the industry and trade sector, taking climate change adaptation as a main and long-term mission, realizing the net-zero emissions target is an opportunity to develop in a low-carbon direction that suits with national conditions and international trends, in which emphasizing that missions and solutions to respond to climate change must be integrated in all programs, plans, master plans and strategies for the development of industry and trade sector.
Adhering to the Government's strategy, DAIKIN Vietnam has typically focused on researching and implementing modern technologies, programs and solutions to improve the efficiency of electricity use, especially programs and solutions focusing on demand side (electricity customers) by embarking on research and offering valuable solutions and manufacturing technologies for energy-saving, high-efficiency and environmental-friendly air conditioners. In 2022, one of the products and technological solutions that has been pioneered in research to support the implementation of the National Programs on Demand Side Management and Demand Response (DSM/DR Programs) is the solution of automatic peak load adjustment technology (SmartDR64) integrated with the central air conditioning system (Variable Refrigerant Volume - VRV) of DAIKIN Vietnam. In particular, SmartDR64 is a technology solution designed and developed for the purpose of reducing amount of electricity consumption of air conditioning system at an optimal and efficient level.

Air conditioners in buildings are devices consuming the most electricity, especially for office blocks and businesses, this is a potential component in DR program to reduce load demand in pick time. Therefore, air conditioner is an electrical load component that needs to pay attention to technological improvements and companion solutions to effectively and optimally implement DR programs. In the future, a widespread application of SmartDR64 technology solutions integrated in central air conditioning systems will help balance power supply and demand, meet national load demand, and reduce pressure on the national grid system during peak hours.
With the aim to demonstrate willingness to accompany the Government and State management agencies, power corporations and electricity users to realize Vietnam's commitments at COP26, DAIKIN Vietnam also officially engaged in Vietnam Electricity Saving Network (VESN) from July 1, 2022 and co-chaired with the Center for Training and Electricity Market Development Research (ERAVCTED) to jointly build Electricity Saving Solution website (ESS) which aims to encourage community of investors and manufacturers to research solutions of saving electricity and using energy efficiently, and to work together towards the goal of sustainable development of the country. The ESS community desires to gather consensus of researchers, invest and build smart solutions on saving electricity, using energy efficiently and especially with support and welcome of electricity customer community.
Facing challenges related to global warming, DAIKIN has been acting aggressively in the deployment and application of services and solutions that bring about energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction in order to contribute to the implementation of national policies, together responding to climate change and promoting sustainable growth.