New momentum on Àong Hai Rice countryside

Returning to Đong Hai today, we are surpriseed before many changes happening every day. The smooth asphalt roads, each convoy through crowded queue up again without stopping. Tall buildings with moder

Entering 2011, there have been many signs that the country's economy continues to face many difficulties and obstacles. The prices are escalating continually. There has many changes, natural disasters, earthquakes in a variety of countries on the world as Japan, Myanmar and Thailand. It also appeared in the aftershocks, but small degree in Vietnam. Those things that have great influences on the stability and development of the country. Dong Hai Commune’s leaders were well aware of the actual inland as well as world situation. At the same time, Dong Hai is defined as a high rate of urbanization, agricultural households have to hand over land for large cities, occupy relativelylarge proportion. The problem of creating jobs and redistribution of population in this area are in need of practical and effective solutions corresponding with the aspirations of the people, have been concerned by Dong Hai Commune‘s Party and authorities. With a range of solutions to plan construction of villages, market centers, roads, of which speed up the planning of rural roads, upon urban road standard, development of many of the manufacturing, business, service establishments; mobilizing people to participate in vocational training, transfering jobs from agriculture to industrial production, business services, create new jobs for the people; planning the development of traditional craft villages such as carpentry, mechanics, build-up project to create jobs for employees immediate and long-term period; Organizing and directing transfer of rice land to grow flowers, vegetables, aqua-culture, development of agro-industrial projects, guiding the people on investment, importation of cattles and poultries with high economic value, and multiply many animal species models specialties such as porcupines, turtles, rabbits, duck egg super, lean pigs ... At the same time, promoting the progress of infrastructure construction, new residential areas for people living in the wetland area; development of social welfare projects, serving for people's lives.

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