Nowadays, the Internet has become an important part of our lives. The World Wide Web or simply "the Web" is a global information medium which users can access via computers connected to the Internet. The Web has changed a lot since its first launch. This paper is to provide an overview on digital marketing activities that businesses can do in the development of Web 3.0.
Keywords: website, Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0, digital Marketing.
1. Introduction
The Internet and website (web) are not synonymous, both are two separates but closely related things. The Internet is simply a network of billions of computers interconnected across the globe forming a network in which any computer is capable of communicating with any other. The World Wide Web is a way of accessing information via internet media by displaying web pages on a browser, and information connected by hyperlinks which may contain text, graphics, audio, and video.
Web 1.0 is the first generation of the web, also known as the information web. Users can only read and share information on websites, people often call these websites "static web". When companies use Web 1.0 as an information channel for their Marketing activities, they have very limited ways to deploy Marketing activities because they cannot interact with customers, and do not know whether the information that is given by the company is attractive, and beneficial to their customers or not.
Web 2.0 is a read-write web platform where users can communicate with each other, people often call this web "dynamic web". When companies use Web 2.0 as a communication channel for their Marketing activities, they can fully interact with customers, and listen to customer feedback quickly, thereby improving their marketing activities, so their marketing action is more effective.
Web 3.0 can be defined as the personalized, “semantic web”. It changes the web into a language that machine systems can read and classify, not humans.
Digital Marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technology, primarily on the Internet, but also includes mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital media. The rise of digital marketing from the 1990s and 2000s changed the way brands and businesses use technology to market. Digital platforms are increasingly integrated into marketing plans and daily lives because people want to use digital devices instead of visiting physical stores, so digital marketing campaigns are becoming increasingly more popular and effective than traditional marketing activities.
2. The popular digital marketing activities nowadays
Digital Marketing activities of companies are currently being developed strongly, including some typical tools such as:
Email Marketing: Companies use email marketing as a way of communicating with their customers. Email is often used to promote content, discounts, and events, and direct people to your website. Types of emails businesses can send in an email marketing campaign include Blog subscription newsletters, Follow-up emails for website visitors who have downloaded something, Welcome emails for customers, Promotions for members joining loyalty programs, Tips, or similar email sequences to nurture customers.
Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC): PPC is a method of driving traffic to your website by paying publishers every time your advertisement is clicked. One of the most popular types of PPC is Google Ads Words (Google keyword advertising) which allows you to pay for top positions on Google's search engine results pages at a "per click" and link to your website. Other channels you can use PPC mainly include Paid advertising on Facebook, Promoted Tweets on Twitter, Sponsored Messages on LinkedIn, etc.
Search Engine Optimization: It is the process of optimizing a website to "rank" higher in search engine results pages, thereby increasing the amount of organic (or free) traffic to your website.
Affiliated Marketing: This is a type of performance-based advertising where you get a commission for promoting other people's products or services on your website (or other digital marketing channels). Affiliate marketing channels can be partner programs of e-commerce sites such as Amazon, Shopee, etc. When customers buy goods from the links created from the above program, the promoter will receive a commission from the seller.
Social Media Marketing: This method promotes your brand and content on social media channels to increase brand awareness, drive traffic, and generate leads for your business. Marketing channels that you can use in social media marketing include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Zalo, and Pinterest,...
Content Marketing: Content Marketing is the creation and promotion of content assets for the purpose of creating brand awareness, traffic growth, lead generation, and customers. Marketing channels that can play a role in your content marketing strategy include Blog posts, E-books, whitepapers, Infographics, Brochures, and online reports,…
Marketing Automation: Marketing automation refers to software that serves to automate your basic marketing activities. Many marketing departments can automate repetitive tasks that they normally do manually, such as Email Newsletters, Social Posting Scheduling, Contact List Updates, Business Processes, etc. Marketing automation also works on lead acquisition, campaign tracking, and reporting.
Online PR: Online PR is the practice of ensuring online coverage earned by digital publications, blogs, and other content-based websites. It's like traditional PR but in the online space. Marketing channels you can use to maximize your PR efforts include: Reaching out to reporters via social media; Engaging online reviews of your company; Engaging website comments, or your personal blog.
3. Digital marketing activities of companies in the development stage of web 3.0
Digital Marketing activities in Web 3.0 will be the combination of various technologies into the user experience. Because of the strong participation of machines (essentially new technologies integrated into the website), Web 3.0 becomes more powerful, so the digital marketing activities of companies are also increasingly more effective. Some technologies that have changed the digital marketing activities of businesses are as follows:
3.1. Artificial intelligence (AI) technology
Applications of AI have gained popularity and are widely used to automate routine tasks in a number of industries. With AI, Google can suggest searches as you type each keyword or phrase in the search bar. Amazon applies AI to book recommendations.
From social media posts, and transaction history to other behavioral data, AI can group customers into clusters, enabling businesses to perform market segmentation and targeting by using data. It is a platform that allows businesses to provide customization and personalization in product recommendations, pricing, and content marketing campaigns. When the customer responds to these suggestions, the computer continues to learn and adjust its algorithm.
3.2. Natural Language Processing (NLP)
NLP is an important aspect of the evolution of AI, especially those that require linguistic input, such as voice assistants.
The most widespread application of NLP is chatbots. Chatbots are being used not only for consulting but also for sales. Businesses like Lyft, Sephora, and Starbucks have started using chatbots to take orders and interact with customers. In the B2B sector, businesses like Hubspot and RapidMiner apply chatbots to assess the quality and categorize leads to the right channels for further care. The popularity of online messaging platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Wechat is an important factor in the growth of chatbots. Also, for this reason, people expect to be able to communicate with chatbots in the same way they would converse with real people.
3.3. Sensor technology
Not only text and speech recognition, but computers also learn from image and face recognition. The growing popularity of pictures and selfies in the social media era has fueled this trend. Particularly, image recognition technology scans an image and searches the web or database for image content that resembles that image. As the leading search engine, Google has developed image recognition so that users can perform image searches.
The application of image recognition technology is huge. For example, when browsing through millions of posts on social media, businesses can scan photos of buyers and use their brand to say thank you. They can also identify people who are using competing brands and invite them to convert. This highly targeted advertising is very effective to increase market share.
3.4. Mixed Reality (MR)
In terms of three-dimensional user interface innovation, Augmented reality (AR), Virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR) - MR has the most prominent and promising developments in blurring the lines between the physical and digital world. The ability to combine both the digital and physical worlds is a game-changer in Marketing. It offers endless possibilities in providing engaging marketing content, mainly because MR has its roots in video games. MR helps businesses embed more information and stories into their products in a fun and engaging way. In turn, products can now visually introduce themselves to customers about themselves and how to use them. In a way, customers can now “consume” the product right before deciding to buy it. For example, travel agencies use MR to provide a virtual tour experience on their website to encourage people to visit the actual destination.
3.5. Internet of Things (IoT)
IoT is a technology that connects machines and devices that communicate with each other. A good example of an IoT application in business is Disney. This theme park leverages IoT to remove obstacles and reshape the customer experience at the park. Integrated with the My Disney Experience website, the park's Magic Band stores customer information and thereby acts as an automatically activated entry ticket, key, and payment method. This bracelet continuously communicates with thousands of sensors in rides, restaurants, shops, and hotels through radio frequency technology. Disney employees can monitor customer activity, predict customer arrivals within 12 meters, and proactively serve them. Imagine being greeted by your first name without having to say anything. The data collected from customer activity is valuable for designing location-based recommendations or recommending the most optimal park routes for guests to experience.
3.6. Blockchain Technology
The transparent and secure record-keeping nature of Blockchain is a potential game-changer for marketing. IBM in partnership with Unilever has embarked on a Blockchain project to increase transparency in digital advertising placement. The National Association of Advertisers estimates that 30% to 40% of digital advertising costs go to the people who run the advertising, while the rest goes to the middlemen. Blockchain is used to track this chain of transactions from the advertiser to the people who directly run the advertising and identify inefficiencies. A similar application of Blockchain could also help customers verify whether marketing claims such as fair trade and 100% organic are accurate through the supply chain's translated record keeping.
Another possible area of implementation is customer data management. Today, customer data is scattered across many businesses and brands. For example, customers can participate in dozens of loyalty programs and share information with multiple parties. The fragmented nature makes it difficult for customers to aggregate scores and make them large enough to make sense. Blockchain has the ability to integrate many loyalty programs and at the same time reduce the transaction barrier in it.
4. Conclusion
Web 2.0 is the most popular generation of websites today and it creates conditions for explosive Digital Marketing activities. Depending on the needs of the business they will choose the appropriate form of Digital Marketing. The web 3.0 generation is the future of web generation because it is supported by machines (or advanced technologies) to help increase user experience and help Digital Marketing channels work more effectively. However, the technologies in the Web 3.0 generation are still quite new, and not all businesses are qualified to apply them, but it is the trend of the future, so businesses need to have a plan of training for their staff to grasp these technologies and find ways to apply into activities of the business and the Digital Marketing.
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Khoa Quản trị kinh doanh, Trường Đại học Nguyễn Tất Thành
Ngày nay, nhiều hoạt động của chúng ta đều cần sử dụng mạng Internet. World Wide Web (WWW) hay còn được gọi đơn giản là web, là một không gian thông tin toàn cầu để lưu trữ dữ liệu và cho phép người dùng đọc, viết, chia sẻ các dữ liệu này bằng máy tính có kết nối mạng Internet. Kể từ khi được giới thiệu đến nay, World Wide Web đã có nhiều sự cải tiến. Bài viết này nhằm giới thiệu tổng quan các hoạt động marketing kỹ thuật số mà các doanh nghiệp có thể áp dụng được trong giai đoạn phát triển của Web 3.0.
Từ khóa: website, Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0, marketing kỹ thuật số.
[Tạp chí Công Thương - Các kết quả nghiên cứu khoa học và ứng dụng công nghệ, Số 11 tháng 5 năm 2023]